
Syro-Phoenician AR Tetradrachms and Fractions
This collection is assembled to display the progression of silvertetradrachms and their fractions, produced in the East, during the period of Roman influence and occupation.

The heaviest tetradrachm illustrated in Price was an anomalous late posthumous coin from Rhodes, Price 2424b, weighing 17.75g. Alexander the test-cut posthumous Great tetradrachm from Amphipolis, Macedonia, c. 315-294 BC, 16.7g, M.J. Tetradrachm definition is - an ancient Greek silver coin worth four drachmas.

Tetradrachm of Alexander I (Balas)
The two coins shown above are both tetradrachma of Alexander I (Balas) of the Seleukid Kingdom. While there are minor differences due to die wear and striking characteristics, there is no question that they share a common obverse die.

BACTRIA Tetradrachm of Heliokles
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[Click here for the sg7634 page with thumbnail images.] ...

The coin is a ~ a coin of 4 drachm. It had a weight of 16-17 grams of silver and it was destined for the payment of soldiers.

A medium-sized ancient Greek silver coin, valued at four drachms. Issued by many Greek city-states and kingdoms.
Also spelled 'thetri', the fractional currencyunit of the republic of Georgia. Named after a mediaeval Georgian coin.

Greek silver coin weighing about 13 to 17 grams; valued at 4 drachmas
Tetrastyle ...

~ - a four-drachma coin.
togate - wearing a toga, the cloak worn by Roman males on formal occasions.
trecennalia - thirtieth anniversary of rule.


An ancient Greek silver coin weighing about 13 to 17 grams, roughly the same size as a U.S. quarter but three times thicker
thumbing ...

~. 30 mm. 10:00.
An amazing broken coin. Looking at the reverse, you can see the silver foil of the obverse behind the left hand of Apollo, which corresponds to the hair over the ear on the obverse. I am amazed that the foil there has not bent and broken off.

~ - A silver coin, weighing c. 14 grams, equal to four drachms.
{From Greek tetra four + drachm drachm.}
[Ancient Greece] ...

~s of Alexander. Num. Chron., 1868 and 1883.
Unpublished Coins of the Kings of Syria. Num. Chron., 1883.
Unpublished Cistophori. Num. Chron., 1883.

~s with the bust of Ptolemy IV, and one or two AV octadrachms of Arsinoë III similar to Fig. 380 but with ΝΙ in the field. Even without dates, the youthful representation of Epiphanes would suffice to show that the preceding belong to the early part of the reign. A series of AR ~s (Svor.

~a - An ancient Greek silver coin, roughly the same size as a U.S. quarter but three times thicker.
Token - A piece struck by a private individuals or companies in imitation of a coin, to be used for advertising or as a medium of exchange in transactions with that company ...

Tetradrachm Size

The ~ pictured was struck at the Amphipolis mint sometime between 315 BC and 294 BC and was the equivalent of about two weeks' labor by a mason.

On a ~a of Athens, struck c. 490 BC, the head of Athena, (left), is regarded as the obverse because of its larger scale and because it is a portrait head; the entire owl is depicted in a smaller scale on the reverse ...

(Minted 9 June - 28 August AD 68)
Laureate head right, LA before.
Eleutheria leaning on column holding wreath & scepter.
(RPC 5327) ...

Syracuse~ signed by Kimon
Below = Kind of a time lapse of the carving process. The image above is of the final piece prior to some final touch-ups ...


A form of ~ struck at several ancient Greek cities during Roman times, these were the largest Roman silver coins. Tariffed at three Roman denarii or four local drachms. The name derives from the sacred box of Dionysius, frequently depicted on these coins.
circulation ...


All Parthian ~s, it is currently believed, were produced at the Seleucia mint. In place of the archer used on the reverse of silver drachms, these larger coins usually show other scenes such as the goddess Tyche giving a diadem to the king.


Zenobia and her son Vabalathus had been issuing billon ~s from the mint of Alexandria in Egypt, and antoniniani from Syrian Antioch. They adorned Aurelian's great triumph through the streets of Rome, together with the Tetrici, father and son, who were the last rulers of the Gallic Empire.

*50483 Roman Egypt. Nero. 54-68. AR ~ (12.85) . Radiate head of Nero left, year 13/Radiate head of Augustus right. Curtis-65, Emm-113. Fine. $145 [image]
*28404 ---Vespasian. 69-79. Bi ~ . Bust right/Nike flying left hldg palm and wreath. Year 2.. C-262, Emm-205. VF. $215 [image] ...

Commentary: Imperial cistophoric ~
Sources Used: BMCRE I, 113, no. 699 (with no lituus); Woodward 1956, 152; A.M. Woodward, Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society 1952, 21 ff.

The coinage consisted very largely of silver ~s which were commonly known as `owls' for obvious reasons and since the coins were of such fine quality, they were readily acceptable to traders in all parts of the Greek world, ...

On the other hand, if you're considering an Egyptian gold Octadrachm, someone may have tried to golden fleece you while you counted the animals two by two. These are replicas and not worth the $375 of a Meredates AE ~ in Very Finecondition.

See also: What is the meaning of Coinage, Ancient, Ancient coin, Coin, Greek coins?

Tetradrachm Pronunciation



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